Gig Poster Archive
A montage of keepsakes from nights that changed your life.
Use the links below to jump to a certain artist.
Austin Lucas | Benchmarks | Black Flag | Bryan McQuaid | Cory Call | Erica Blinn | Ghost In The Willow | Matthew Ryan | Micah Schnabel | Vanessa Peters
Gig Posters, Illustration, PrintType of Work
FreelanceI animated this poster for different social media outlets using After Effects. The video below is sized for an Instagram post.
I animated this poster for different social media outlets using After Effects. The color scheme was changed due to this tour being the second leg. The video below is sized for an Instagram post.
Gig posters can be a memory of your first tour, a show that changed your life or that time you remember seeing an artist before they made it big. Don’t overlook the value of a fine-tuned poster.
All my gig posters are also converted for social media formats.
© 2022 Maiocco Design Co.
Believe In Something Beautiful.